Welcome to the newly AKC Recognized Parent Club of the American Azawakh.
Our Purpose
To celebrate, promote, and showcase the Azawakh breed throughout the United States and the world.
Our Vision
As the AKC-recognized parent club, we aim to successfully stage world-class independent events sanctioned by the AKC.
Our Promise
To protect the breed ensuring the continuation of purebred Azawakhs in the United States through education and oversight.
The Magnificent Azawakh
Pronounced oz-a-wok, the combination of their intelligence, exotic appearance, stunning movement, and extreme loyalty set them apart from other breeds.
Ancient Origins
Although the breed was recently confirmed by the AKC in 2019, Azawakhs were bred by the nomadic Tuareg, Peulh, Bella, and Hausa people in the deserts of Sub-Saharan Africa in the Azawagh Valley region.

Interested in becoming a member of the American Azawakh Association?
Living with Azawakhs
The best owner is someone with a firm, but fair hand that enjoys the companionship of an intelligent dog of incredible beauty.

Do you love Azawaks?
Join our exclusive American Azawakh Association Facebook Community.