About Azawakhs
Name of Breed
Azawakh (also known as the Tuareg sighthound)
Countries of Origin
Burkina Faso
The Azawakh is from the endless arid regions of the southern Sahara and the Sahel. Today, as in countless days before; they are the guardians, hunters, and companions of the Tuareg and other ethnic tribes of the region. Because they evolved in cultures that have kept no written records, little is known about their origin.
Outside of their native Africa, the Azawakh participates in a wide spectrum of activities to include conformation, obedience, lure coursing, agility, freestyle, and therapy dog work.
Physical Description
Azawakhs are tall, slender dogs of proud bearing. Their height ranges between 23 ½ and 29 inches and they weigh between 35 and 55lbs. Their legs are longer than their bodies and their hips are higher than their shoulders, giving them a distinct and unique appearance. They have narrow heads with pendant ears and dark almond-shaped eyes. The coat is short and fine. They have a very deep chest, which rises abruptly to an extremely tucked up and muscular belly. The back is short and flat or may have a slight rise over the loin. Their movement is spectacular, supple, and elastic.
The American Azawakh Association recognizes all colors found in the countries of origin including sand to dark red, brindled, white, black, gray, blue grizzle, parti-colored, and all shades of brown, including chocolate. White stockings, bib, and tip of tail are some common markings. A dark mask may also be present.
At home, the Azawakh is gentle, affectionate, and playful with those they accept. Often friendly, they may also be distant and reserved with strangers and some can be fearful or aggressive. They bond closely with their people and cannot be kept as kennel dogs. They have the intelligence and heart to protect.